Early Warnings
- CiR2P | Early Warning Approach
Political and Diplomatic Strategies
- CiR2P Option 1 | Support good governance
- CiR2P Option 2 | Encourage membership to international organisations
- CiR2P Option 3 | Enact preventive diplomacy
- CiR2P Option 4 | Threaten or apply political sanctions
Economic and Social Strategies
- CiR2P Option 5 | Encourage economic development
- CiR2P Option 6 | Support social programs
- CiR2P Option 7 | Aid conditionality
- CiR2P Option 8 | Promise or deliver economic incentives
- CiR2P Option 9 | Threaten or apply economic sanctions
Constitutional and Legal Strategies
- CiR2P Option 10 | Develop constitutional structures
- CiR2P Option 11 | Promote respect for human rights
- CiR2P Option 12 | Promote respect for the law
- CiR2P Option 13 | Eradicate corruption
- CiR2P Option 14 | Involve the International Court of Justice
- CiR2P Option 15 | Threaten international criminal prosecution
Security Sector Strategies
- CiR2P Option 16 | Support security sector reform
- CiR2P Option 17 | Transition from military to civilian government
- CiR2P Option 18 | Support confidence-building measures
- CiR2P Option 19 | Adherence to regimes and treaties
- CiR2P Option 20 | Threaten or implement arms embargoes
- CiR2P Option 21 | Withdraw military cooperation
- CiR2P Option 22 | Nonterritorial show of force
- CiR2P Option 23 | Preventive deployment
Political and Diplomatic Strategies
- CiR2P Option 24 | Diplomatic peacemaking
- CiR2P Option 25 | Apply political incentives
- CiR2P Option 26 | Apply political sanctions
Economic Strategies
- CiR2P Option 27 | Apply economic incentives
- CiR2P Option 28 | Apply economic sanctions
Legal strategies
- CiR2P Option 29 | Pursue criminal prosecution (domestic and international)
Military Strategies short of Coercive Force
- CiR2P Option 30 | Deploy peacekeepers
- CiR2P Option 31 | Establish save havens
- CiR2P Option 32 | Establish no-fly zones
- CiR2P Option 33 | Restrict communications
Military Intervention
- CiR2P Option 34 | UNSC authorisation under Chapter VII
- CiR2P Option 35 | Self-defence under Chapter VII Article 51
- CiR2P Option 36 | Regional organisations under Chapter VIII
- CiR2P Option 37 | General Assembly authority
Achieving Security
- CiR2P Option 38 | Peacekeeping in support of peacebuilding
- CiR2P Option 39 | Disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration
- CiR2P Option 40 | Security sector reform
Achieving Good Governance
- CiR2P Option 41 | Rebuilding institutions of governance
- CiR2P Option 42 | Maximise local leadership
Achieving Justice and Reconciliation
- CiR2P Option 43 | Managing refugee and IDP returns
Achieving Economic and Social Development
- CiR2P Option 44 | Economic recovery and development
- CiR2P Option 45 | Social programs for sustainable peace