oUr mission
CiR2P seeks to bring together the climate and R2P (atrocity prevention) communities, with government, industry and civil society, to develop and implement policies and programs to protect vulnerable human populations from climate-related catastrophes or traditional atrocity situations. We believe that each community has something to offer the other in the service of human protection.
The CiR2P Toolbox was created to help achieve our mission.
CiR2P focuses on UK, US and EU government policies and programs as related to Syria, Sudan and Myanmar (as the predominant countries of climate and R2P concern identified in the scholarly literature).
oUr wORK
- CiR2P publishes research and analysis for policymakers that identifies the opportunities available to Western governments and their agencies (UK, US and EU) to integrate climate action strategies into policies and programs on Syria, Sudan and Myanmar.
- CiR2P seeks to work closely with the UK, US and EU to help it develop and implement traditional human protection policies and programs that consider the opportunities and risks posed by climate change.
- CiR2P seeks to collaborate with governments, international organisations, businesses, and civil society (academics and NGOs) operating in, or with a strong interest in, Syria, Sudan, and Myanmar to help establish climate-informed human protection programs.

Who We Are:
Ben L Parr (PhD). Researcher. Ben has worked in climate policy and politics since 2009 and is the author of the book Climate Change Action and the Responsibility to Protect: A Common Cause (London: Routledge, 2024).
Paul (MA). Business. Paul has an extensive professional background in NGO management.
Sophie (JD). Engagement. Sophie is a human rights lawyer and climate philanthropist.
Gordon (PhD). Field. Gordon has a military background and had served in emergency relief situations for more than 15 years.
CiR2P works in close collaboration with leading academics, policy analysts and practitioners working on climate science, climate security, and atrocity/ conflict prevention and resolution; and Syria, Sudan, and Myanmar. CiR2P is very grateful for their support.
Professor Matt.
Professor David.