CiR2P Option 22 | Nonterritorial show of force


A non-territorial show of force involves military resources being deployed without actual intervention on the territory of a target state. For example, positioning warships off the coast of a target state – hence it’s colloquial name, “gunboat diplomacy”. The aim is to deter trouble in the target state and provide rapid response capabilities should trouble arise.

This option avoids the need to secure target state consent and brings a media spotlight to the issues involved. However, it risks being interpreted as deeply threatening and consequently may provoke an unanticipated reaction by the target state (and or its allies).

A non-territorial show of force should be accompanied with a commitment to deep diplomacy.

In the aftermath of a high-impact climate event such as a major cyclone, a variety of military assets can and should be immediately deployed in order to perform essential lifesaving tasks such as search and rescue and the distribution of emergency medical and food supplies, temporary accommodation, and disaster responders.

Countries that are suspicious of Western intentions may strongly resist emergency assistance, particularly if delivered by foreign militaries.

However, suspicions and paranoia by those in the government, should not deter Western powers from pursuing a policy that marshals lifesaving military assets such as helicopters, planes, warships, and personnel, in border countries and off the coast of the country to save lives in the target state.

Diplomatic engagement with members of the government is essential.