CiR2P Option 5 | Encourage economic development
Encouraging economic development – and more so, its associated benefits such as employment and an income – helps set the political conditions that reduces the likelihood of mass atrocities being committed. By contrast, economic depravation and a sense of hopelessness can drive communities towards supporting dangerous groups and the use of violence to improve economic and social outlook.
Climate change of the magnitude projected (well above 2 degrees Celsius) threatens to undo the decades of development gains made across the developing world.
Western governments should continue to work towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in addition to redoubling their efforts to
- quickly reduce emissions in their own territory,
- encourage low emissions development pathways in other regions,
- implement climate adaptation strategies in fragile states.
Practical polices to achieve these aims include a sustained commitment to programs that weed out corruption, mainstream climate action in governance, improve natural resource management, and provide workers with the new-skills and education required to manage a low pollution economy. Special assistance should also be considered to help improve critical infrastructure such as low emissions transportation, and to facilitate regional economic integration. Repackaging external debts could also be examined.
Ultimately, the aim should be to help create the conditions that will attract sustained clean investment and foster private enterprise.
Spiraling global emissions will render the SDGs unachievable.